Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Socio –psycho Effect of television on children and adolescents

Introduction:  Television is an important communication medium in present time and helps to promote information, entertainment and education. Booming up of new channels shows lots entertainment programmes like daily soap operas, cartoons, sports, news etc. which are directly and indirectly related to our daily life and left important effect on person to person.

It is assumed that all these television serials entertained the public as well as aware them with the issues related to daily life. But these serials either soap opera or cartoon programme left a great impact on the adult, adolescent as well as the children on their behavior, health, and psychological status. According to UNESCO report 1961 it is necessary to study on the television programme require time to time to understand the status of the programmes.

Present study deals in details about the socio-psycho effect on children and adolescent. For the study three hundrend samples form  were collected from the children of age group three to fifteen years and their parents, these children are not from the same schools. Children are  catagrized in three groups and a group of parent either mother or father was included for the study. First group include children 3-5 years, in second group children are 6-10 age group while in third group chiuldrens are 11-15 year age.

Material and method:  A survey format was prepare and was filled by the children and their parents for the evaluation on the Socio-psycho status of the children. Survey format contains twenty questions as name, age, gender, favorite serials, favorite advertisement favorite character, favorite cartoons, reason for the character to be favorite, timing for the watching the television, accompanied viewers to watch television, their wishes in young age . The survey format was filled on the basis of the answers of small children and their parents.

Results:  After evaluation of the children replies results are as follows:- 
Children who yet start to go school age group 3yrs to 5 yrs watching television more than six hrs regularly. In general they are watching cartoon on television but along with their elders they are watching soap opera and all these children know all about the soap opera and want to be part of them. Children response at the same style whatever they are watching on television. All children wishes to have their mother glamorus young and energetic as in the shows. Prefrence for food is fastfood and choclate for the children. Behavioural characters (way of communication and representation themselves) of children resembles their fevorite cartoon characters. Children make a dream world where thay expect super man or some alian helps them to solve their problem even from this age children shows their affaction along their gadgets. The general response of this group that when they will growup will become bride or groom because of the reason of getting beautiful clothes, jewelry and other accessories.

Children of second group are generaly watch the Cartoon. These  channels are also serving lots of violence, false dreeming and dependency on the alians, gadgets or other super powers. Children lernt violence with the cartoon. 

While adolescent children are in favor of talet hunt shows along with daily soap. Adolesent children treated themselves as the celebrity and make high ambition without having practicle ground. These group of children are most aware for the advertisement. To make themselves slim and trim and beautiful they uses lots of cosmatics and regulary used to for the dieting. A large numbers of this group is influenced with the soap opera and they like to deal  themselves as the characters of these serials. Lavish lifestyle making friends is main target of this group even to maintain these thing this group ignore their real situatons. Curiocity of sexual orientaion increase in this group and they are trying to get it.

After the evalution of the parents it is found that to control the children it is also necessary that parents should control themselves for watching Television, Changing the channel is not the remedy of the problem because in the name of entertainment all channels are showing almost similar things which may be catagarize money, lavish life, eventhough channels are claiming that they make the position of women strong but it is also necessry to think deeply if making fun of women is humor then what is the standard of comedy.

Remarks/ Comments
3 -5 years
Want to be bride or Groom because will get beautiful clothes and jewelry. Will get a friend to play. No need to study. Watching television with their mothers whatever mother’s are watching same programme is watching by children.
6-10 years
May be somewhere Doremon is present and helps their class mates. Tom and jerry are the funniest characters. Fast foods are favorite food items. Health drinks are favorite drinks.  
11-15 years
With the help of beauty products they will become beautiful even boys are also attracted with these product. Boys don’t want to make bulky girl as their friend. Friend should be beautiful. Curiosity about the sexual activities, contraceptives can be used for maintaining sexual relationship. Cautious about body weight, look and appearance.
Children are becoming aggressive, demanding, and careless. Working parents don’t know what their children’s are watching.

Discussion: American Academy of Pediatrics described in 2001 that “Children learn by observing, imitating and making behaviors their own”. Children get influenced due to media and are subject to attention the parents, teachers and communicators. Commercial media started a new era of media in 1941 where a toy maker company targeted to the children for the sale promotion of the toys. Later on educational programmes were promoted through the television. American Academy of Pediatrics 2001 considered that influence of television should be calculated on the basis of educational part as well as other parameters like social issues, violence and aggressiveness behavior, sexual images, self esteem etc and school performance of children. In the history of media initially all the programme were targeted to the male now a days all programme are targeted to female and children. Small kids need attention of the mother or their elders. No one is bothered to see about quality and content of the video programm.

Programmes and advertisement develop eating disorder in children. Adolescent children are cautious about their body weight and unnecessarily doing dieting.

Television and behavioural problem
Children, who are watching television more in excess shows critical behaviour like angriness, hitting to others, wants attention at home as well as school and other public places so behave just like the favourite character of television. Now a days most of the children speak like cartoons. In their study  Ray, et al 2006 reported that children having exposure to violence through media had poorer school performance and its impact on their psychosocial health. While in other study on the same issue done by  Ray M,  Malhi P. ,2005  Thakur Y, Khokhar C.P.  2001 and   Geeta MG, Krishnakumar P. 2005;found that some of the fears, tensions, bad dreams and tendencies towards  delinquencies of children are a result of frequent and a regular exposure to murder-mystery movies, and stories filled with violence and torture that children viewing TV and movies. Association between TV viewing and suicidal behavior has also been reported from India. Hoarer shows makes week to the children and affect their thinking power, which took them under depression. 

Health Issue
Christakis DA, Zimmerman FJ, Di Giuseppe DL, McCarthy CA. 2004 found in their study Early television exposure and subsequent attention problems in children that excessive TV viewing in adolescence is a risk factor for development of depression in young adulthood. TV viewing may play an exacerbating, if not causal, role in the development of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This hypothesis is consistent with evidence indicating that children with ADHD watch more television than their peers and experience significant impairments in comprehending stories, a crucial skill in achieving academic success.

Social Isolation
TV viewing time of the children make them isolate of family and friends. In modern days as the concept of single child or two children they expend more time with television. Children isolates from the family and society. The children who are expending more time with the family and friends their tv watching time is less and these children shows their creativity  and skills.

Television and food habit
Dietz and Gortmaker 1985  reported that each additional hour of TV viewing per week increased the risk of obesity by 2%. The experimental study by Robinson found strong evidence of a causal link between TV  viewing and children being overweight.
Dietz WH Jr, Gortmaker SL. 1985,  Robinson TN 200, 1Kuriyan R, Bhat S, Thomas T, Vaz M, Kurpad AV. 2007, Wiecha JL, PetersonKE, Ludwig DS,KimJ, Sobol A, Gortmaker SL. 2006 Boynton-Jarrett R, Thomas TN, Peterson KE, Wiecha J, Sobol AM, Gortmaker SL 2003 Epstein LH, Roemmich JN, Robinson JL, Paluch RA,Winiewicz DD, Fuerch JH, et al. 2008, Vaughan KK, Fouts GT 2003,Van den Berg P, Neumark-Sztainer D, Hannan PJ, Haines J. 2007;  Field AE, Cheung L, Wolf AM, Herzog DB, Gortmaker SL, Colditz GA. 1999 and found that during the watching of television children consume more food which caused obesity and imbalance their body mass index. Psyche of the hero and heroines is glamorous for the children and children attract them and doing unnecessary dieting. Advertisement of weight control pills attracts to children and without any concentration of any person or doctors these pills are consumed by the children which affect their heath.

Television and beauty product
Children are influence with the beauty product during watching television their more focus is on beauty product and cosmetics. For  branded and expensive cosmetic material children try to do anything and many more time this crisis of money make them aggressive against their parents and elders.

Television and consumption of alcohol and smoking
In general to get rid of any sorrow or tension all the heroes are using alcohol and even many times females are also consumed alcohol and smoking. Children make the assumption that alcohol and smoking are good for the forgotten the sorrow. And even after getting less mark in examination and breakup with friends children are trying to consume the alcohol and cigarette.  Sometimes consumption of alcohol and smoking is status symbol and not a single child wants themselves as a backward.
India faced a lot of controversy with the ban on on-screen smoking in films and  television programs but till now its going on.  Initially, ban was imposed from January 1, 2006 and then on January 23, 2009, Delhi High Court lifted the smoking ban in films and TV.
In the advertisement of alcohol children watch that alcohol makes them macho man therefore they go forward for it. And according to girls consumption of alcohol and smoking makes men strong so if she will use it will become powerful.  Connolly GM, Casswell S, Zhang JF, Silva PA. 1994 done their  study on Alcohol in the mass media and drinking by adolescents: a longitudinal study and found that girls who had watched more hours of TV at ages 13 and 15 drank more wine and spirits at age 18 than those who had watched fewer hours of TV.

Television and sexual influenced
Open sexual issues intimate relationship affairs rape etc open the source to think and get sexual relationship. Adolescent children well know about the contraceptive method and have no objection to use it.   In a report published in 2009 in India, research results demonstrate that TV programs watched by adolescents contains high levels of sexual content, include little information about sexual risks, and are an important source of information about sex.

Conclusion: In the era of television channel boom it is necessary to parents to monitor and guide the children.  Therefore, it can be say that televison is leaving a great effect on children and adolescent to change their social and psychologial status. It is also necessary to make some policy decision for the development of the programme specialy length and content of the programme where directors themselves forget the story lineup in their own serials and to maintaint length unnessary scenes are incorporated which left their bad impact on the children. 
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